The 2021 ordinary session of the Scientific and Cultural Council (CSC) of CERAV / Africa!

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 20:44


Opening Tuesday, October 05 in Bobo-Dioulasso, of the 2021 ordinary session of the Scientific and Cultural Council (CSC) of CERAV / Africa!

The Scientific and Cultural Council issues an advisory body that examines the questions and projects submitted to it and recommendations aimed at guaranteeing the perception and relevance of the Centre's actions for the benefit of the African cultural sector.

This is why the members who make up this body are experts from the artistic sectors covered by the action of the Center and from the field of cultural policies. As a reminder, the CSC of CERAV/Africa is run by Pr Prosper KOMPAORE for a three-year term.

Full success to the work of the 2021 session which also benefits from the participation of Mr. Michel Guérin, WBI Technical Assistant at CERAV/Africa and the Culture Program of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism (MCAT)!